
Package Authoring with Paqui

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Creating client-side JavaScript packages is increasingly becoming a painful endeavor. We need to publish our package to different repositories such as bower, component, and npm, and there are others! Crazy. People might be using volo, jam, or EnderHave I named enough yet?

Then there’s building the package for human consumption. That’s where things get really cute. You have CommonJS modules and browserify, AMD modules with Require.js, plain-old raw JavaScript, and a bunch of other “input” formats. There is plenty that can be done in that field, and plenty is done indeed. The output isn’t that complicated, but everyone expects you to provide at least the minified (and unminified) code for your module tighly packaged in a single .js file.

Solutions such as Grunt or yeoman kind-of solve these problems, but leave you but a bunch of code that you might have no idea how it works.


Paqui solves these issues for us, without leaving undesired artifacts behind. That’s the nice thing of being tailored for open-source front-end package development! In this article we’ll examine how to make use of Paqui in our package development workflow, and learn how we can extend its behavior, if we need to.

In essence, Paqui takes care of three things:

  • Scaffolding
  • Building
  • Distributing

Let’s go through them in turn.

Paqui Flow

The first step is actually creating a repository on GitHub. Paqui will take care of everything else, so you should leave Initialize unchecked.


Paqui requires a one-time only installation step, let’s go ahead and type that into our terminal now.

npm install -g paqui

Ready! Okay, let’s see how this works. The first command we’ll look at is paqui init.

paqui init paqui-dummy --remote bevacqua/paqui-dummy

I use the --remote option to have Paqui add the remote and push to it for me, otherwise I’d need to do that by hand. Note that you can use both the full url or the shorthand {user}/{repo} syntax.

This command will create a paqui-dummy directory and set up our component there. If we create the directory ourselves, and cd into it, we could just paqui init .. Before doing anything, Paqui will ask us a few questions, but it’ll provide default answers to the best of its knowledge.


I used the --lean option to avoid verbose git command output

The configuration provided to Paqui when we initialize our component can be modified at any time in .paquirc, which is the only file Paqui will burden us with.


At this point we can start hacking away at our package. If we didn’t change any of the defaults, the entry point will be src/main.js.


By default, we are going to write our code under Common.JS (using module.exports and require). If you scroll up a bit you’ll see one of the questions Paqui asked was transform, where I answered with the default: universal,banner. This is where the extensible nature of Paqui becomes apparent.

The only thing that’s governing the way we write our module is the transformation extensions we apply to our sources during our builds.

As you can imagine, universal means that we are able to write Common.JS modules in our source code, and the universal transform will take that code, put it through browserify, and turn it into a client-side package that supports the UMD definition.

Paqui is going to generate a couple of files during builds, in this case they’ll be called paqui-dummy.js and paqui-dummy.min.js. These will be the files that package consumers will pay attention to.



Now we’ll want to publish our package to package management systems. First, we have to deal with versioning, an important part of package management. With Paqui, the only version number that matters is the one in .paquirc. That version number will be bumped with paqui bump.

Paqui also does a little more when we call bump the first time around. It will generate files (such as package.json, and bower.json) filled with information about the component.


Missing information, such as the main script reference some package managers require, is added during the build step. However, you don’t need to worry about that, since paqui deploy will always run bump before it builds. It is always worth checking out what Paqui has generated, though. At least until you get the gist of how it works.


The last step Paqui takes care of is publishing to the various package managers we opt to use. With Paqui, this can be done simply executing paqui publish in our command line.

Paqui conveniently packages bump, build, and publish in another command: paqui deploy. The flow I suggest would be:

  • Create a repo on GitHub
  • paqui init -r username/project
  • paqui bump, then verify generated files such as package.json, or bower.json *
  • Work on your client-side package
  • paqui build, validate build results, located in the bin directory *
  • paqui deploy

* (optional steps)

So we have scaffolding, version bumping, a build step, and publishing. How can we configure these things?

Configuring paqui init

The following table shows data requested by init, as well as its defaults.

Property Description Defaults
name Package name Project directory name
description Pretty self explanatory Awesome package
author Package author Info from git config --global --get
version Package version 0.0.1
transform Build steps ['universal', 'banner']
transport Build results ['file']
pm Package Managers ['npm', 'bower']
license License under which we release the package MIT
remote The git remote we will be pushing to origin
main The path to the entry point for our source code 'src/main.js'

The results from these questions asked by Paqui, will be dumped into a JSON file called .paquirc, where Paqui keeps everything needed to help you build and release your project.

The relevant command-line options are:

Option Description
--remote <url> Provide a link to the remote, then init will automatically push to it after creating the local repository
--no-git Paqui won’t create a git repository using git init, nor attempt to push anything
--existing Creates a .paquirc for an existing project

Using paqui init --existing is useful to integrate existing projects into Paqui.

The four options which might be unclear at this point are: transform, transport, pm, and license. In the case of the last one, I decided not to make licesing extendable. At this point you can pick one of: Apache, GPL, or MIT. If you’d like to pick another license from Paqui, you’re welcome to open a pull request with more templates.

Extending Paqui

The three remaning options are extendable. The transform extensions govern how your project is compiled. These can be chained, and each transformer’s output is piped onto the next one. By default, Paqui projects are compiled using the universal and banner extensions. The former wraps our code in a UMD definition, using Browserify. Then, banner prepends a comment with author information, such as the version number, license type, or package name.

To illustrate, let’s examine the function exported by banner.js, the file which defines its namesake extension. This function takes a paqui argument, which is a succint API helper provided by Paqui. The function should return an object, and in this case, that object should have a transform property, as a function with three arguments:

  • pkg: a read-only copy of the contents of .paquirc
  • model: an empty object which can be useful to communicate among different extensions
  • done: callback to be executed when the extension’s work is over, passing an optional error and the resulting code

The current implementation is below.

function (paqui) {
    return {
        transform: function (pkg, model, done) {
            var main = path.join(paqui.wd, pkg.main);
            var raw = '';
            var b = browserify(main);
            var stream = b.bundle({
                standalone: pkg.name

            stream.on('data', function (data) {
                raw += data;

            stream.on('end', function () {
                done(null, raw);

As you can see, all this does is take the main path specified in .paquirc, join it with the working directory provided by the Paqui API, and turn it into an UMD module, before passing it to done(null, raw). Using this micro-framework we’ll be able to put together any kind of build step we want in just a few lines of code. The difference is that there’s almost no configuration after that: we just provide the names to the plugins we want to use.

These plugins are also available to extend what’s done after builds, enabling us to do simple things such as writing to a file, or maybe we want to get creative and send an email, or print a report to the standard output. Similarly, we’re able to add more package management systems on top of the ones provided by default, which are npm, bower, and component.

For more information on the Paqui API and to learn how to extend its functionality, visit its GitHub repository.

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